Friday, June 1, 2012

What do you like most about The Dream Flag Project?

This is the question we asked second and sixth grade students at The Agnes Irwin School. It was easy and fun to do.

We were having a time of Dream Flag Sharing after we planted our Khumjung Juniper along with Boys Latin School in West Philadelphia. This happened on May 22, and international Tree Planting day. We connected our Dream Flags to the tree and read them all at the same time to send the dreams down into the roots and up into the tree!
 Here's our blog for that project. We call it Dream Trees. Check it out.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Philadelphia Dream Flag Celebration Key Dates

Philadelphia Dream Flag Celebration
2011-12 Key Dates List

Philadelphia Dream Flag Celebration RSVP by
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Planning to come to the celebration? Click here to RSVP.
Planning to send flags, but not attend?   Click here to RSVP.

Flags for Philadelphia Area Celebration
Planning to come to the celebration? BRING group’s Dream Flags at 10:30 on
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Sending flags, but not attending? MAIL group’s Dream Flags by
Friday, April 20, 2012 (address below)

Names of Readers for Philadelphia Celebration Program
            Planning to attend Philadelphia area celebration and bring student readers (2 per school)?
Email names and grades of readers for published program to by
Wednesday, April 18, 2012 
(Remember that all students can read poems at the open mike from 11-12.)

Philadelphia Area Dream Flag Celebration
10:30 Lead teacher brings group Dream Flags; 1:00 pre-program activities start; 12:00-1:30 program.
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Philadelphia Regional Dream Flag Exhibitions
Dream Flags on exhibit in Philadelphia region. Will be mailed back to schools. Exhibition dates:
May and possibly later.

The Dream Flag Project Postal Address
The Dream Flag Project
The Agnes Irwin School
Ithan Avenue and Conestoga Road
Rosemont, PA 19010 USA
(610) 525-8400

Monday, March 12, 2012

Upcoming TIGed Program

Hi, everyone. Taking IT Global, an ally of The Dream Flag Project, has some upcoming professional development opportunities. I thought I'd share their information here in case you're interested. More information at


Education for Environmental Stewardship” and "Project-based Learning for Global Citizenship" are being offered this Spring on the following schedule:

Education for Environmental Stewardship: April 3-May1; May 8 - June 5, 2012
Project-based Learning for Global Citizenship: April 4 - May 2; May 9 - June6, 2012

Here's what previous e-course participants have to say about our courses:

"This course has broadened my horizons in the areas of global education and highlighted ways in which I can more actively engage in these kinds of models."

"This course course had a deep impact on my understanding the importance of global education. It has further made me aware of specific tested tools on global education."

For more information about TIGed’s professional development program, and to register today, visit

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy 110th Langston Hughes

A late happy 110th birthday of Langston Hughes!

Thanks to his words, “Bring me all of your dreams, you dreamers,” and many others, we’re still dreaming today.

February 1, his birthday, is the “official start” of the 2012 Dream Flag Project.  Of course you can make your Dream Flags any time before April when we all connect.

Here’s a link to a great site that’s about Hughes and student voices. It can be adapted for different ages. We like it because The Dream Flag Project is all about giving student dreams a voice and a place to be heard.

Here’s another one to a page on our site with lesson ideas on specific Hughes poems. (You can find most of the poems on the web.)

Thanks to all of you who have signed up so far. And we’d love to hear from you if you haven’t yet.
Here’s the link to sign up. (Remember even if you did the Project before, we need you to sign up again. Thanks.)

And for when you’re getting started on The Dream Flag Project, here’s a page with Ideas for the First Week.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I joined The Dream Flag Project because . . .

 2011 ,13 December
Here's what some teachers just sent in when asked why they joined The Dream Flag Project. . . .

It’s different and connects us to others

“ I was looking for a unique writing activity for my students.”
--Susan Klaube, Lounsberry Hollow Middle School,
Vernon, New Jersey

“The dream of expressing freely, the professional way of working as a real team, the way of getting involved in such a challenging activity that can bring us out of the daily routine.”
– Panescu Lilina, Scoala Tudor Vladimirescu,
Targoviste, Romania

"Love the opportunity to involve our tots in a project beyond our island home."
--Brenda Freitas-Obregon, Kalihi-Palama Public Library,
Honolulu, Hawaii
It’s fun!
“My students love this project.”
--Amiyrah Waddell, George Washington Carver School,
Newark, New Jersey

“Meeting new friends and sharing ideas. This program rocks!”
--Dawn Flowers, Burrell Bloom Methodist School,
Belize District, Belize

“Love to dream; love the project; my students love writing the poems and making the flags.”
--Sheri Skelton, White Mountain School,
White Mountain, Alaska

“It was an amazing experience with the kids last year  ...seeing all their dream flags strung around the school. We hope to get others in town involved this year.”
--Avis Turner, Noah Wallace School,
Farmington, Connecticut

 It helps us teach what’s important:
“Invaluable experiences for my students for the last 5 years. I can't imagine the school year without participation in the project.”
--Katie Ball, Oneness-Family School,
Chevy Chase, Maryland

“It is a great unit to teach tolerance and acceptance and learn about our country's history.”
--Michelle Simmons, Green Mountain Elementary,
Bremerton , Washington

“Lovely idea and pedagogy.”
--Lisa Hantman, McCall School,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
It’s flexible:
“I have always received the emails, but never participated.   I teach ESOL, and I didn't always have a teaching situation that would allow participation.  I hope I might this year.   I might add a class of 8-10, if the going is good.  But I'm starting with one class.”
--Betsy Beyler, Robinson Middle School,
Fairfax, Virginia

“We had a break from the project and now we are excited to return. Decided to focus on one grade level instead of our previous all school participation.”
--Helene Duckett, Loomis School,
Broomall, Pennsylvania

Have a comment? Please let us know. Comment here or email

Monday, October 24, 2011

October Article--Dream Flags in Kenya

In the region of beautiful Naivasha Lake in Kenya, home to some world's most incredible wildlife, students learned about Dream Flags and made some! Their teachers were two student Dream Flag leaders. Read this page from the October issue of the Lake Naivasha Community Newsletter to learn all about it.
Here are some other links:
--> Map of Lake Naivasha
--> Full October Newsletter

Monday, October 17, 2011

TakingITGlobal Connections

TakingITGlobal Web Site
TakingITGlobal is not-for-profit group dedicated to the promotion of cross-cultural understanding and education that helps create a better world--just like The Dream Flag Project! This year, they're offering Dream Flag Project teachers a free account if you want to sign up for it. It will allow our students to talk to each other in a safe and interactive forum run by TakingITGlobal. If you're interested, just email us and we'll send the details. Email: Subject: TakingITGlobal.

You may also be interested in their upcoming workshop on global teaching that's on Tuesday, October 26th. Check out their web site for details. Here's what they say about it:

"Designed to support teachers of various subjects and grades who are interested in bringing global issues, perspectives and voices into their classrooms, these e-courses focus on integrating media and technology, incorporating global dimensions, and applying reasoning to real world challenges."

For more information on the course or on TakingITGlobal, see their web site. The introductory video is very clear and to-the-point.

Let's dream around the world!