Monday, October 17, 2011

TakingITGlobal Connections

TakingITGlobal Web Site
TakingITGlobal is not-for-profit group dedicated to the promotion of cross-cultural understanding and education that helps create a better world--just like The Dream Flag Project! This year, they're offering Dream Flag Project teachers a free account if you want to sign up for it. It will allow our students to talk to each other in a safe and interactive forum run by TakingITGlobal. If you're interested, just email us and we'll send the details. Email: Subject: TakingITGlobal.

You may also be interested in their upcoming workshop on global teaching that's on Tuesday, October 26th. Check out their web site for details. Here's what they say about it:

"Designed to support teachers of various subjects and grades who are interested in bringing global issues, perspectives and voices into their classrooms, these e-courses focus on integrating media and technology, incorporating global dimensions, and applying reasoning to real world challenges."

For more information on the course or on TakingITGlobal, see their web site. The introductory video is very clear and to-the-point.

Let's dream around the world!

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